The client support that you'll receive from your shared website hosting company is very important, no matter if you have pre-sales questions and you are not a client yet, or you've got some technical problem with an existing account. Timely and clear information regarding a question or an issue will save you lots of time and efforts, not mentioning that this could often be a sign that you are ordering from an actual hosting provider not from some reseller. When you obtain a hosting account through a company that doesn't own its servers and it can't access them directly, it is almost certain that you will wait for a few days in order to have a response to your query, so your sites may remain offline for quite some time. In contrast, a company which provides various options for communication and has a tech support team available all the time can assist you right away and help you decrease or fully avoid any kind of downtime and possible losses.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting

We supply 24/7 billing, customer and technical support for our shared website hosting. Even if you aren't our client yet and you have some questions, we will assist you in a timely manner and provide the necessary information, in order to give you the choice to make the very best decision when you purchase your new website hosting account. We're available any time, including holidays and weekends, and we provide several means of communication to contact us - live chat, phone, e-mail messages and support tickets. To make things easier for you, we now have several phone numbers internationally, so you'll be able to call the one which is closer to you. The maximum response time for your email messages and your tickets is 1 hour. The actual response time is around 15-20 min, so you can forget all about waiting for several days to receive support for any task or issue, whatever its complexity.