Data centers in Shared Website Hosting
If you decide to get a shared website hosting package from us, you will be able to select between 5 data centers on the order page and you could have your account created in Colohouse (Chicago, United States), UK Servers (Coventry, United Kingdom), Amaze (Sydney, Australia), Ficolo (Pori, Finland) or S3Company (Sofia, BG). We have hosting servers in different locations so as to provide you with a choice to pick the most suitable one for your sites, so both you and your visitors can benefit from great loading speeds. Each of the facilities has 24/7 technical support, power generators and numerous Internet routes through some of the largest ISPs within the given country. Coupled with our revolutionary cloud hosting platform, this means virtually no service disruptions of any kind, so your sites will be operational constantly. The facilities are some of the biggest ones in the world and some of them house even government web servers, so collocating our machines there allows us to focus on adding new services and improving the existing ones constantly.
Data centers in Dedicated Servers
We have picked the Colohouse data center in Chicago, US, for our dedicated servers for a reason - the facility provides the perfect conditions for the optimal functioning of any web server accommodated there. Effective diesel generators and UPS units will keep all hosting servers operational even in case there is no electrical power for days while employing redundant Internet providers guarantees that any information you have on your dedicated server shall be accessible all the time. Due to the fact that the data center is located in the middle of North America, any website visitor across the continent shall be able to browse through your websites as quickly as their own connection allows them to. The facility features fiber connections to both Coasts and to many large cities inside the United States and Canada, making it the ideal location if you wish to reach Internet users even from Mexico or South America. The adequate performance of your server is ensured by a qualified tech support team which will handle any hardware difficulty 24/7. To be on the safe side, we have spare servers and components, so your websites will be online at all times.